BElajar Bom2an dengan Gmail Nyok..:D..

ayo2. belajar yak,, nih khusus newbi aja yak..
nih buat nya pake c#...
ane kasih penggalan code nya...

using System.Net.Mail;

void Bom()
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("");

mail.From = new MailAddress("");
mail.Subject = "Test Mail";
mail.Body = "This is for testing SMTP mail from GMAIL";

SmtpServer.Port = 587;
SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true;

MessageBox.Show("mail Send");

Selamat Ber Explore ria...
nih hasilnya...


ByPass Mikrotik Login Hotspot

ByPass Mikrotik Login Hotspot..mungkin ini trick jadul buat para master
yang belom tw ok simak ceritanya..xxixixixx.. pada suatu hari kita jalan2 dengan laptop kesayangan kita eh tw2 nya pengen ngenet walah coba2 scan wifi dapet yang bagus... weleh coy pas mo konek eit tw nya suruh login dulu..weleh2.. pelit amat admin nya..he2.. tenang aja bro tuhan selalu memberi jalan kepada umatnya..

oke pertama siapin dulu senjata2 nya..
1. scaning buat host yang idup di jaringan.. terserah mo peke apa disini saya make Netcut
unduh di
2. penganti mac yang mw ganti mnual silakan tpi saya milih pake tool Mac Addreas Changer 4.5
ato bisa d unduh di

langkah2nya sbgai berikut :
1. pastikan kita sudah konek ke server
2. buka cmd coba test koneksi ke google
reply from Destination not bla2.....
nah itu gateway di jaringan lokal kita.. bearti kita dah gabung tuh di jaringan cuman masalah nya ada mbah mikrotik login yang ngalangin...
3. buka netcat scan
nah dapet lagi tuh yang lagi konek + mac nya massing... pilih aja tuh yang mana yang menurut kalian menarik...
4. buka Mac Addreas Changer 4.5 nya ubah mac wireles kita yang trhubung dengan hotspotnya...
nnti cret..
5. buka browser kita
halman kesayangan kita pun telah tampil di google...xixixix selamat mencoba...
jadi inget jaman ludu Wardriving Mode ON.. xixixixi
nih Video nya


Bab 4 Bentuk Array

Dasar Teori
Array satu dimensi
Dalam bahasa pemrograman, array adalah variabel yang sejenis yang berderet sedemikian rupa sehingga alamatnya saling bersambung/kontigu atau dengan kata lain variabel berindeks.
Bentuk umum :
tipe_array nama_array [jumlah data]

Contoh Program :
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] arr = new int[5];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
arr[i] = i * i;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("arr[{0}] = {1}", i, arr[i]);


Output :
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Array Multidimensi
Array multidimensi adalah array yang mempunyai lebih dari satu dimensi. Misal : A[3][5] artinya array tersebut mempunyai 3 baris 5 kolom.
Bentuk umum :
tipe_array nama_array [jumlah data][jumlah data]

Contoh Program :
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

int[,] intArr1 = new int[2, 2];

intArr1[0, 0] = 12;
intArr1[0, 1] = 23;
intArr1[1, 0] = 14;
intArr1[1, 1] = -9;

for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
Console.Write(intArr1[i, j] + " ");



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Bab 3 Pengulangan

Bentuk FOR
Perulangan dalam bahasa C dapat menggunakan bentuk FOR, sintaks penulisannya adalah sebagai berikut :
for (nilai awal; kondisi perulangan; operasi)

using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.Write(" {0}",i);

Bentuk WHILE
Perulangan dalam bahasa C dapat pula menggunakan bentuk WHILE, sintaks penulisannya adalah sebagai berikut :
Contoh Program :
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 0;
while (i < 10)
Console.Write("{0} ", i);


Perulangan dalam bahasa C dapat pula menggunakan bentuk DO-WHILE, sintaks penulisannya adalah sebagai berikut :
Contoh Program :
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 0;
Console.Write("{0} ", i);
} while (i < 10)


Semua code di atas akan menampilkan Output seperti ini..:
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Bab 2 Bentuk KONDISI

Penggunaan seleksi dapat menggunakan bentuk if, sintaks penulisannya adalah sebagai berikut :
if (kondisi)
Contoh Program :
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int a, b;

Console.Write("masukkan nilai a : ");
a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("masukkan nilai b : ");
b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

if (a > b)
Console.Write("a lebih besar dari b");
else if (a < b)
Console.Write("b lebih besar dari a");
Console.Write("a sama dengan b");
Output :
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Bentuk IF dengan Operator
Terkadang ada lebih dari satu kondisi yang harus terpenuhi, untuk itu dapat digunakan operator logika AND dan OR, pada bahasa C sintaks penulisannya adalah sebagai berikut,

Untuk operator logika AND :
if (kondisi1 && kondisi2 )

Code :
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 8;

if (a < 15 && a > 5)
Console.Write("15 lebih besar dari {0} lebih besar dari 5", a);



Output :
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Untuk operator logika OR :
if (kondisi1 || kondisi2 )
ContohProgram :
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int a = 15;

if (a % 5 ==0 || a % 2==0)
Console.Write("{0} habis dibagi 5 atau 2",a);



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Bentuk IF – ELSE IF – ELSE
Penggunaan bentuk if diatas adalah penggunaan untuk kasus yang tidak memiliki alternative, untuk penggunaan if dengan alternative, sintaks penulisannya :
if (kondisi)
if (kondisi)
else if (kondisi2)
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int T;

Console.Write("masukkan nilai suhu = ");
T = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

if (T<=0)
Console.Write("Kondisi Beku");

else if(T > 0 && T <=100)
Console.Write("Kondisi Cair");
Console.Write("Kondisi Uap");



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Bentuk Nested IF
Dalam penggunaan kondisi terkadang diperlukan suatu bentuk if yang bertingkat, sintaks penulisannya adalah, sebagai berikut :
if (kondisi1)
if (kondisi1-1)
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int a;
int b = 5;
int c = 2;

Console.Write("masukkan nilai a : ");
a = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

if (a % b == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} adalah bilangan kelipatan {1} ", a, b);
if (a % c == 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} adalah bilangan genap", a);
Console.WriteLine("{0} adalah bilangan ganjil", a);
Console.WriteLine("{0} adalah bilangan ganjil", a);


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Selain bentuk if, pengkondisian dalam bahasa C dapat pula menggunakan bentuk switch, sintaks penulisannya adalah sebagai berikut:
using System;

namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Minuman: 1= Fanta 2= Bir 3=Teh botol");
Console.Write("Pilih minuman yang anda suka : ");
string s = Console.ReadLine();
int n = int.Parse(s);
int cost = 0;
switch (n)
case 1:
cost += 25;
case 2:
cost += 25;
goto case 1;
case 3:
cost += 50;
goto case 1;
Console.WriteLine("Inputan salah, anda hanya bisa pilih 1, 2, atau 3.");
if (cost != 0)
Console.WriteLine("Masukkan {0} Koin 100.", cost);
Console.WriteLine("Terima Kasih..@_@");


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Tipe Data Dasar

Tipe Data dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu tipe data dasar dan tipe data bentukan
Tipe Data Dasar
Adalah tipe yang dapat langsung dipakai.

Tipe Dasar Ukuran Memori (byte) Jangkauan Nilai Jumlah Digit Presisi
Char 1 -128 hingga +127 -
Int 2 -32768 hingga +32767 -
Long 4 -2.147.438.648 hingga 2.147.438.647 -
Float 4 3,4E-38 hingga 3,4E38 6-7
Double 8 1.7E-308 hingga 1.7E308 15-16
long double 10 3.4E-4932 hingga 1.1E4932 19

Tipe Bentukan
Tipe bentukan adalah type yang dibentuk dari type dasar atau dari type bentukan lain yang sudah didefinisikan, contohnya tipe struktur. Struktur terdiri dari data yang disebut field. Field–field tersebut digabungkan menjadi satu tujuan untuk kemudahan dalam operasi.
Contoh Penggunaan Tipe Data Dasar
using System;
amespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int nilai;
int n = 9;

Console.Write("masukkan nilai : ");
nilai = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("nilai yang di masukkan adalah : ");


Menghitung Luas Segitiga
using System;
namespace testing
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int alas,tinggi ;
float luas;

Console.WriteLine("menghitung luas segitiga");
Console.Write("masukkan alas : ");
alas = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("masukkan tinggi : ");
tinggi = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

luas = (alas * tinggi) / 2;

Console.Write("Luas Segitiga : ");

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

18 Web SEO Collection

1. Advanced PageRank
2. CGI Sitemap Generator
3. Check BackLinks in Google, MSN, Yahoo
4. Check Google PageRank
5. Check PR, BL, Alexa Rank #1
6. Check PR, BL, Alexa Rank #2
7. Check PR, BL, Alexa Rank, MSN Results, Yahoo Results
8. Hub Finder
9. Keyword Generator
10. Keyword Research Tool
11. Link Checking
12. Link Harvester
13. Link Popularity
14. Link Submit
15. Link Suggest
16. Sitemap Generator
17. The Google Suggest Scrape
18. XML Sitemap Generator
Download :


Max AnonySurf 1.9

Max AnonySurf 1.9 | 2.7 Mb

Max Secure Software has developed anonymizing software Max AnonySurf to protect the privacy and secure the identity by staying one step ahead of these online predators. Max AnonySurf hides your IP address so that online snoops are unable to track the sites you visit and build profiles on your Internet activities. Max AnonySurf also protects you from unintentionally visiting websites that are known to be phishing, pharming, or spyware sites.

Max AnonySurf is a personal anonymous proxy server and anonymizing software. Once you install on your own computer, it will allow you to surf the web with privacy. This local proxy server includes a database with several anonymous public proxy servers located all over the world. The program is essential for those who value their privacy and who want to surf the web anonymously.

• Max AnonySurf keeps your IP, or Internet address, unlisted so you can surf the Internet without being tracked and keep your online activities private.
• Max AnonySurf is easy to use. Makes a snap for even novice users so you can start surfing anonymously with a single click of a button. Just install it and get started!
• Automatic protection - Starts automatically when you turn on your PC and runs silently in the background without slowing down your Internet connection for hassle-free security.
• Max AnonySurf works by providing anonymous proxies between your computer and the Internet to shield you. Others cannot see which IP address you are using to surf. It even rotates proxy addresses so you do not show one IP address to outside world.
• You can set the timer to rotate the proxy address when you are surfing.
Download links:



TeamViewer Corporate 5.0.7572

TeamViewer Corporate 5.0.7572 | 5 MB

TeamViewer allows you to connect to the desktop of a partner anywhere on the Internet.
TeamViewer also works in the other direction: Show your own desktop to a partner over the Internet and demonstrate your own software, solutions and presentations.
With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet. No installation is required, just run the application on both sides and connect.

TeamViewer has put a lot of effort on security. It has encryption, Access Protection and code signature support. TeamViewer has been certified by the German "Bundesverband der IT-Sachverständigen und Gutachter e.V."( BISG e.V. , German Association of IT appraisers and assessors) with the five star quality seal.

Download :


FileZilla Server 0.9.34

FileZilla Server 0.9.34 | 5 MB

FileZilla Server is a free, open source FTP server for Microsoft Windows. Its source code is hosted on A user connections manager in FileZilla Server — displayed along the bottom of the window — allows the administrator to view currently connected users and their uploads/downloads. At present, there are two operations the owner of the server can do to those transfers — to "kill" the client session or to "ban" the user's IP address. This manager shows the real-time status of each active file transfer. Filezilla Server supports FTP and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS). It includes numerous functionalities:
* Upload and download bandwidth limits
• Compression
• Encryption with SSL/TLS (for FTPS)
• Message log (for debugging and real-time traffic information)
• Limit access to internal LAN traffic or external internet traffic only

Changes in FileZilla Server 0.9.34:
New features:
* Show address of server in title bar of administration interface (patch submitted by eyebex)
Bugfixes and minor changes:
* Disable some weak TLS/SSL ciphers such as DES-CBC-SHA which shouldn't be used anymore
* Work around some obscure error reported by OpenSSL, fixes spurious transfer failures
* Use case-insensitive comparison instead of always converting to lowercase in permissions handling. Fixes problems with sharing case-sensitive network resources.
* Settings with empty data were not loaded from settings file correctly and reverted back to default values (patch submitted by eyebex)
* Improve performance of (re-)loading settings


MagicDraw UML Enterprise 16.6 SP1

MagicDraw is an award-winning business process, architecture, software and system modeling tool with teamwork support. Designed for Business Analysts, Software Analysts, Programmers, QA Engineers, and Documentation Writers, this dynamic and versatile development tool facilitates analysis and design of Object Oriented (OO) systems and databases. It provides the industry's best code engineering mechanism (with full round-trip support for Java, C++, C#, CL (MSIL) and CORBA IDL programming languages), as well as database schema modeling, DDL generation and reverse engineering facilities.

MagicDraw: The Fastest Way to Create Architecture!

Ten Reasons MagicDraw Literally Outpaces the Competition

1. Promotes quick learning with intuitive interface
Easy access to the most common operations is a cornerstone of MagicDraw's user interface. Because all major commands are reachable through a single click, you can focus on modeling. Choose your favorite one-click method: from standard menus, context menus, shortcuts, or toolbars. With MagicDraw you can complete your tasks with half the steps demanded by other tools.

2. Creates diagrams faster than any tool on the market
On-diagram editing. Automatic completion of Attributes, Operations, and Parameters type. Pick Lists for types and names. With features like these, you'll find MagicDraw indispensable as you work more swiftly than ever before.. The unique Smart Manipulators feature makes for high-velocity diagram creation and editing. And since MagicDraw's automatic UML semantics checking facilitates the creation of valid models, you won't waste valuable time correcting improper UML.

3. Derives models from existing source code in just seconds
MagicDraw's reverse engineering is the fastest way to get UML models from Java, C#, C++, CORBA IDL, EJB 2.0, DDL, CIL (MSIL), WSDL, and XML Schema source code. Our automatic generation of sequence diagrams from Java source code adds a more detailed view of the system.

4. Visualizes your model in a few quick steps
MagicDraw's automatic generation of static structure, package dependency, and hierarchy diagrams allows multiple views of the same model. Automatically generating your hierarchy diagram requires just a few seconds, compared to the hours required to do the same work manually.

5. Keeps your team in the express lane by enabling them to work on the same model in parallel
Using MagicDraw's Teamwork Server, multiple developers can work simultaneously on the same model. This accelerates your team's collaboration while providing simple configuration management, controlled access to all your artifacts, and remote access to your model. It's the optimal way to manage your model and avoid version conflicts.

6. Delivers source code from your UML model instantly
MagicDraw UML generates code for Java, EJB, C#, C++, CORBA IDL, DDL, WSDL, XML Schema. Integrations with the most popular IDEs (Eclipse, IBM WSAD and RAD, Borland JBuilder, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, Sun Java Studio) eliminate the need for a native MagicDraw IDE. Since you can continue using your favorite IDE for coding, there's no need to waste valuable time learning a new one. Whether you are using MagicDraw as a standalone application or integrated with an IDE, you have the option for round-trip engineering to keep model and code synchronized. Since MagicDraw allows you to go further with code generation, it's the tool of choice in the world of Model Driven Development. MagicDraw integrates with IO Software ArcStyler, AndroMDA, and other MDD tools.

7. Eliminates tedious document preparation with automatic report generation!
Use MagicDraw's automatic report generation engine to quickly produce comprehensive, professional requirements, software design documentation, and other types of reports in HTML, PDF, and RTF formats. MagicDraw UML generates standard artifacts that match your software development process. The report engine allows you to generate up-to-date reports based on your own templates with layout and formatting specified.

8. Extends UML capabilities beyond UML 2 -- in a snap
MagicDraw does this in minutes -- without additional coding. UML Profiles and custom diagrams allow you to extend standard UML to fit your specific problem domain. You can quickly create custom diagrams that fit your software development process. Define your own custom toolbar for stereotyped element creation -- you'll instantly accelerate your modeling effort.

9. Accelerates your 'travel time' between modeling domains
With MagicDraw model transformations, you can quickly go back and forth from one modeling domain to another. MagicDraw UML allows model transformations both ways: from Platform Independent Model (PIM) to Platform Specific Model (PSM) and from PSM to PIM. With model transformations, you can produce many specific models, such as XML Schema, DDL, or your customized specific model from a generic one.

10. Enables speedy navigation through your models
With MagicDraw hyperlinks, you can link to any model element, to elements in other diagrams, different models, and files or documents outside the model. This easy to use functionality allows you to customize model navigation to your specific needs. Use the Content Diagram for creating an overview of the content of your project diagrams in a single location.

MagicDraw runs on a wide variety of operating systems, such as Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista, Solaris, OS/2, Linux, HP-UX, AIX, MacOS (X) and everywhere else where Java 5 or 6 is supported.


Dr.Batcher v2.01

Dr.Batcher v2.01 | 5.34 Mb

Dr.Batcher is the simplest in use batch file editor available on market. Are you searching for software to create batch files that will help you to make them without studying their syntax? Our congratulations: you have just found exactly what you need! Using Dr.Batcher you can create batch file even if you have never done it before. If you know a lot about the creation of BAT and CMD files, Dr.Batcher is still useful for you. With Dr.Batcher you can use handy features of professional IDEs like syntax highlighting, code tooltips and bookmarks, that make writing code of batch file easier. Dr.Batcher really helps you to create bat files in easy and fast way!

Features of Dr.Batcher:
Simple mode: create BAT files with visual editors and wizards
Professional mode: create BAT files with full-featured and highly customizable text editor with syntax highlighting, code tooltips, lines numbering and bookmarks
Easy switching between different modes of batch file editor
Built-in support for most commonly used standard Windows and DOS commands
Support for easy search of additional information on commands in the Web via Google, Yahoo, MSN Search
Support for looking through environment variables and copying their values
Expandability: easy to add new commands through XML files with their descriptions
Support for BAT scripts in Windows and DOS encoding, fast conversion of text from one encoding to another
Support for automatic updates
Exporting BAT files to HTML, RTF (Microsoft Word), TeX and printing them with syntax highlight
Support for changing language of Dr.Batcher's user interface
Windows 7 support
Templates and examples




DbVisualizer 6.5.11 (x86/x64)

DbVisualizer 6.5.11 (x86/x64) | 27.25 Mb

DbVisualizer is a database tool for developers and database administrators, helping you with both the development and maintenance of your databases. It is the perfect solution since the same tool can be used on all major operating systems accessing a wide range of databases. Tree based navigation through all database objects. Browse object details and invoke management features. Visual support to create, alter and modify characteristics for database objects such as tables. Edit and compile support for procedures, functions, packages and triggers. Extensive database specific support. Support for editing table data including binary/BLOB and CLOB data types, import from file.

» Support Oracle, DB2, Mimer, SQL Server, Sybase ASE, Informix, MySQL, PostgreSQL and JavaDB/Derby
» Database connection wizard
» Organize database connections in folders
» Parameterized connection data
» Supports multiple simultaneous database connections
» Connect to a database with a single click
» A tree structure to browse database objects
» View information for tables, indexes, primary keys, privileges, schemas, databases, procedures and a lot more
» Database objects filtering
» Sort database connections and folders
» Search database objects
» Drag and drop support
» Create and edit Procedure, Function, Package, Trigger
» Export Table Data to SQL or XML files
» View BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF and JPEG images
» View XML data in tree or text format
» Import table data from CSV files
» Automatic Data Type Detection
» Extensive collection of tool properties
» Set unique properties per database connection
» Permissions checks what commands need confirmation

Download links:



Notepad++ 5.6.4 Final | 5.6 MB

Notepad++ is a free source code editor (and Notepad replacement), which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. It also gives the extra functionality to define a user's own language for the syntax folding and syntax highlighting. You can print your source code in color. It allows a user to edit the different document in the same time and even to edit the same document synchronizely in 2 different views. Notepad++ supports full drag and drop. The programming languages supported by Notepad++ are:
ASP, Ada, ASCII art, Assembly, AutoIt, BAT, C, C#, C++, Caml, CSS, doxygen, FORTRAN, HTML, Haskell, Java, javascript, KiXtart, Lisp, Lua, makefile, Matlab, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, Python, Ruby, Scheme, Unix Shell Script, Smalltalk, SQL, Tcl, TeX, Verilog, VHDL, VB/VBScript, XML.

This project, based on the Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component), written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL Licence.

Here are the features of Notepad++ :
• Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding
• User Defined Syntax Highlighting
• Auto-completion
• Multi-Document
• Multi-View
• Regular Expression Search/Replace supported
• Full Drag ‘N' Drop supported
• Dynamic position of Views
• File Status Auto-detection
• Zoom in and zoom out
• Multi-Language environment supported
• Bookmark
• Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting
• Macro recording and playback

Changes in Notepad++ 5.6.2:
1. Fix the Unicode localization file display problem.
2. Update templat localization file (english.xml) to v5.6.1.
3. Fix tag highlighting bug while disabling indent guide lines.
4. Fix the translated sub menu entries applying on the menu item.
5. Display more information while catching of plugins crash.

Included plugins (Unicode):
1. TextFX v0.26
2. NppExec v0.3.2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.3
4. MIME Tools v1.6
5. NppExport v0.2.8
6. NppNetNote v0.1
7. Compare Plugin 1.5.5
8. Plugin Manager

Included plugins (ANSI):
1. TextFX v0.25
2. NppExec v0.3.2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.3
4. MIME Tools v1.6
5. NppExport v0.2.8
6. Light Explorer v1.5
7. NppNetNote v0.1
8. Compare Plugin 1.5.5
9. Plugin Manager



Anonymous Surfing Tool Suite 2010

Tools for anonymous web surfing which lets protect your privacy: hide your real IP address , send anonymous emails, clear browser history and more. This Suite included:

Steganos Internet Anonym VPN 2008
Hide-Ip-Browser v1.5
Auto Hide IP v4.6.3.2
Easy-Hide-IP v2.1
Hide IP NG v1.53
Real Hide IP v3.5.4.2
IP Address Shield 9.21
Proxy Switcher
Max AnonySurf 1.9
Mask Surf Pro v2.3
Invisible Browsing v7.0 2009
Sun River Systems Heatseek Gold v1.4.1.8
History Sweeper v3.04
History Killer Pro 4.1.1
WinMend History Cleaner 1.3.2
Auto Clear History v2.1.2.6
Auto Clear Cookies v2.1.2.6

Download links:


Titan FTP Server 7.13 Build 903

Titan FTP Server 7.13 Build 903 | 9.09 MB

Titan FTP Server is an enterprise class server product for storing and sharing files. Titan provides an advanced feature set, giving you flexibility and control. An intuitive user interface makes Titan FTP Server easy to set up and maintain. For Large Enterprises: Titan offers unlimited user accounts (professional edition) and the controls to appropriately manage them.
Bandwidth throttling and configurable maximum transfer speed allows you to customize the bandwidth given to any user or server. You can regulate the number of connections from a given IP, and block users and IP's after a configurable number of invalid commands. The control and scalability that Titan FTP server provides offers an excellent file sharing solution for even the largest enterprises.

Advanced features include: SSL support for secure file transfers, Virtual Folders, Unlimited user accounts (professional edition), Bandwidth Throttling Support, S/KEY Password Encryption, UL/DL Ratios, Disk Quotas, Banned/Free Files Lists, Anonymous Access Enable/Disable, Custom Messages, Log File Rotation.

Security and Access Control: Titan provides security and access control features such as SSL for secure file transfers, S/Key MD4 and MD5 password encryption, enabling or disabling of anonymous access, and the ability to permit or deny access based on IP address. The server also includes the ability to block FXP and PASV mode transfers. For Home Users: All of the advanced functionality of the Enterprise version is included in a less expensive home version. And with features like configurable upload/download ratios and disk quotas, you can control the way that files are shared on your system.

Important Information :
- Titan must be installed under an account that has full Administrative privileges to the PC on which Titan is being installed.
- To uninstall Titan FTP Server, select add/remove programs from the control panel and select Titan FTP Server. You can also select the uninstall icon in the Titan FTP Server Program Folder to uninstall Titan FTP Server.
- If you plan to use Titan in conjunction with User Accounts on an existing NT Domain or Active Directory, please review the associated whitepaper (PDF) found on our website.

Changes in Version 7.12 (August 20, 2009):
* Fixed: Multithreaded error with multiple FIPS servers starting
* Fixed: Diffie-Helman Handshake error prevented some clients from connecting.
* Fixed: STAT was not working properly
* Fixed: MaxConcurrentLogins was not being honored
* Fixed: SSL User Certs were not working properly
* Fixed: Socket was not properly shut down when doing a Kick User After X Bad Commands
* Fixed: Disk quota was not working properly with quotas over 4.2 gigabytes
* Fixed: Change directory commands (CWD and CDUP) were not working properly when the User Home Directory did not end in "\"
* Fixed: Several memory leaks including one in the Tray Icon
* Fixed: WebUI was not working correctly when downloading multiple files to a single zip file
* Fixed: Events System was ignoring "Do Not Process Command" action
* Updated: 64-bit installers won't install on 32-bit OS
* Updated: 32-bit installers will only install on a 64 bit OS if a previous 32 bit installation is present
* Updated: 64-bit installers will not upgrade a 32 bit installation is present
* Enhanced: Timeouts set longer in several places
* Enhanced: Performance for loading users and groups from storage
* Changed: 64-bit versions now properly report that they are 64-bit in Product Registration Information screen
* Changed: Can no longer install 32 bit versions on 64 bit Operating System and vice versa
* Added: Made support for EPSV and EPRT commands optional, but enabled by default

Mirror (Uploading):


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AnvSoft Flash to Video Converter v1.3.30

AnvSoft Flash to Video Converter v1.3.30 | 7.99MB

Flash to Video Converter is a powerful utility that converts SWF files to popular video formats such as avi, mpeg, mp4, 3gp and flv. It Records sound with the outstanding virtual sound card technology and converts swf with leading audio and video codec. Flash to Video Converter lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, iPhone, PSP, cell phones and other portable devices. MPG output can be also used as materials for DVD authoring software. You can easily share SWF videos with family and friends.

Recording sound with the outstanding virtual sound card technology and converting swf with leading audio and video codec, Flash to Video Converter lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, iPhone, PSP, cell phones and other portable devices. MPG output can be also used as materials for DVD authoring software.
Anvsoft Flash to Video Converter is an excellent swf converter for converting swf to avi and swf to mp4 at fast speeds and high quality.

Url ......... :



Video Training → M.O.C.6416C Updating Network Infrastructure and Active Directory Skills to Windows Server 2008 DVD(1&2&3)

M.O.C.6416C Updating Network Infrastructure and Active Directory Skills to Windows Server 2008 DVD(1&2&3) | 6 GB

this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to work with network infrastructure and Active Directory technologies in Windows Server 2008.

NOTES :Previous releases of this MOC Title have been early versions or betas.
6416C is the Final Version to be Published.

Length: 5 Days
Published: January 06, 2010
Language(s): English
Audience(s): IT Professionals
Level: 300
Technology: Windows Server 2008
Type: Course


a. Extract
b. Mount
c. Play & Learn

Download link :

How to Delete Undeletable Files in Windows

Windows 95/98/ME

If you are using Windows 95, 98, or Windows ME, the easiest way to remove an undeleteable file is to boot to a DOS prompt and manually delete the file. Before you do this, you'll want to make a note of the location of the file including the entire path to it. Follow the steps below to delete these types of files.
If you already know the path to the file, please skip to Step 7

1. Click on Start, Find, Files and Folders
2. Type the name of the undeletable file in the Named or Search For box
3. Make sure the Look In box shows the correct drive letter
4. Click on Find Now or Search Now and let the computer find the file
5. Once the file is located, right-click on it and choose properties, make a note of the file location. Usually this is something similar to

6. Close the search box
7. Locate a boot disk for your version of Windows, if you do not have a boot disk, follow the steps on the link below to create an emergency boot disk.

How to Create an Emergency Boot Disk for Windows

8. Shut down and restart your computer with the boot disk in your floppy drive.
9. The computer will boot to a DOS prompt that will look similar to


10. Type the following command and press Enter to delete the filer, substituting the phrase with the actual path and file name you discovered in Step 5 above.



del c:\windows\undeleteablefile.exe
11. Remove the boot disk in the floppy drive and restart your computer
12. The file should now be deleted.

Windows XP

In Windows XP, there are a couple ways to remove an undeleteable file, a manual way, and a couple automated ways using some freeware programs. First, I'll show you the manual way.

Manual Method

If you already know the path to the file, please skip to Step 7

1. Click on Start, Search, All Files and Folders
2. Type the name of the undeletable file in the box shown
3. Make sure the Look In box shows the correct drive letter
4. Click Search and let the computer find the file
5. Once the file is located, right-click on it and choose properties, make a note of the file location. Usually this is something similar to


6. Close the search box
7. Click on Start, Run, and type CMD and Press Enter to open a Command Prompt window
8. Leave the Command Prompt window open, but proceed to close all other open programs
9. Click on Start, Run and type TASKMGR.EXE and press Enter to start Task Manager
10. Click on the Processes tab, click on the process named Explorer.exe and click on End Process.
11. Minimize Task Manager but leave it open
12. Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory where the file is located. To do this, use the CD command. You can follow the example below.

Example: to change to the Windows\System32 directory you would enter the following command and Press Enter

cd \windows\system32

13. Now use the DEL command to delete the offending file. Type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.

Example: del undeletable.exe
14. Use ALT-TAB to go back to Task Manager
15. In Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the Windows shell.
16. Close Task Manager

All Apress Books of PHP

All Apress Books of PHP
Books published by Apress PHP

List of books:
- Beginning Ajax with PHP: From Novice to Professional
- Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax: From Novice to Professional
- Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition
- Beginning PHP and Oracle: From Novice to Professional
- Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional
- Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional
- PHP 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
- PHP for Absolute Beginners
- PHP Object-Oriented Solutions
- Practical Web 2.0 Applications with PHP
- Pro PHP: Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More
- Pro PHP Security
- Pro PHP XML and Web Services
- The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS4 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP

Publisher: Apress
Release Date: 2006-2009
Language: English
Format: PDF
Size of archive: 114.79 Mb




Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 in 24 Hours

Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 in 24 Hours
Publisher: Sams | ISBN: 0672327538 | edition 2005 | CHM | 528 pages | 20,9 mb

Learn how to fully exploit the power of Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 with Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 in 24 Hours. Divided into 24 one-hour lessons, you will learn how to create webpages and how to use the latest and greatest toolset in this updated version of Macromedia Dreamweaver. Author Besty Bruce, a web applications developer and Macromedia-authorized Dreamweaver and Authorware Trainer, will show you how to build your knowledge of Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 and authoring websites with her carefully guided instruction.

Download Links (20.8 Mb)

Mirror (Rapidshare):


The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook

The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook
Stuttard, D. | 2007 | English | ISBN-13: 978-0470170779 | PDF | 768 pages | 10.9 Mb

This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in web applications. The authors explain each category of vulnerability using real-world examples, screen shots and code extracts. The book is extremely practical in focus, and describes in detail the steps involved in detecting and exploiting each kind of security weakness found within a variety of applications such as online banking, e-commerce and other web applications.

The topics covered include bypassing login mechanisms, injecting code, exploiting logic flaws and compromising other users. Because every web application is different, attacking them entails bringing to bear various general principles, techniques and experience in an imaginative way. The most successful hackers go beyond this, and find ways to automate their bespoke attacks. This handbook describes a proven methodology that combines the virtues of human intelligence and computerized brute force, often with devastating results.

The authors are professional penetration testers who have been involved in web application security for nearly a decade. They have presented training courses at the Black Hat security conferences throughout the world. Under the alias "PortSwigger", Dafydd developed the popular Burp Suite of web application hack tools.

Download Link

Blue Screen Of Dead(BSOD) Instal Sql 2005 Server on windows xp sp2..?

Step 1: Download SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

The SQL Server 2005 Express Edition download page has three separate downloads for you to consider.
1.SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1
2.SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1
3. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1

Step 2: Install database software prerequisites

I mentioned above that there are a number of software prerequisites for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Before you can install the database software, you need to take the necessary steps to get these items installed.

Install the following items in order.
Internet Information Server 5 or higher

If your Windows server does not have IIS installed, go to Start | Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs | Add/Remove Windows Components.
.NET Framework 2.0

Download the .NET Framework 2.0 (x86) from here. After downloading, execute dotnetfx.exe and follow the instructions to complete the installation. I'd show a screenshot, but there's really not a whole lot to see!

Download MSXML6 from here. Execute msxml6.msi. This is a quick installation.

step 4 request hotfix :

Step 5 Instal Sql Server... enjoy...^_^


Visual Studio 2008 Trial To Full

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition

Visual Studio 2008 delivers on Microsoft's vision of smart client applications by letting developers quickly create connected applications that deliver the highest quality rich user experiences. This new version lets any size organization create more secure, more manageable, and more reliableapplications that take advantage of Windows Vista, 2007 Office System and the Web. By building these new types of applications , organizations will find it easier than ever to capture and analyze information so that they can make effective business decisions.


heres the serial:

AND heres how to use the serial:


Mac OS Snow Leopard 10.6.2 Retail (ENG/2009)

Mac OS X system is known for its simplicity, reliability and ease of use. Therefore, when the idea of development Snow Leopard, Apple's engineers have set themselves only one goal: to make a good system even better.

They noted the area in which you can improve, accelerate and simplify the system - from the extraction of foreign carriers to its installation. And in many ways they have done an excellent excellent. Here are just a few examples of how the OS was upgraded the Mac.

Extras. Information:
Full disk image of the native Boot Camp partition

Year: 2009
Version: 10S540
Developer: Apple
Platform: Intel only
System Requirements: Mac with an Intel SSSE3
Language: English
Tabletka: Not required



Google Chrome OS Chromium OS Beta (ENG)

Chromium OS - starting a project that seeks to build an operating system that provides quick, easy and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time working in the networks of Internet

The main feature of Chrome OS is the dominant Web-applications over conventional functions of the OS. A key role is given to the browser. The strategy involves creating a new product architecture, low system hardware resources of personal computers used to access the Internet. The tendency of the shift from the user's PC to Internet resources can be traced and many other Google products and corresponds to the ideology of "cloud computing" (born Cloud computing).

Google says that the main features of the new OS in terms of end users will be:

* Speed: downloads, access the Internet, receive e-mail, etc.

* Integration with Internet services;

* Reliability;

* Ensuring security in the automatic mode;

* Simplicity.

Windows XP SP2 х64 RockStable

Windows XP SP2 х64 RockStable | 964 Mb

Windows XP Professional SP2 x64 VL RockStable - a corporate version of XP SP3 with integrirovannymii updates to December 2009 year. Does not require activation, is being tested on validity and shakes updates from servers Microsoft Windows Update. No tweaks, deletions / additions, only integrated updates and patches safety.

Processor with AMD64 or EM64T
AMD Athlon 64/64 X2, AMD Opteron, AMD Phenom
Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support
Intel Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support
Intel CoreDuo2/CoreDuo2 Extreme/CoreDuo2 Quad/i5/i7
We recommend at least 256 MB of RAM, optimally at least 512 MB


Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x86 RockStable

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x86 RockStable | 893 MB

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition is designed to meet the common IT requirements of enterprises of all sizes. The platform is designed for applications, Web services and infrastructures and provides high reliability, productivity and superior economic performance.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition:
- Full-featured server operating system that supports up to eight processors;
- Provides enterprise-level features, such as the Eight-node clustering and support for up to 32 GB of memory;
- Available for computers with a processor Intel Itanium;
- Will be available for 64-bit computing platforms capable of supporting 8 processors and 64 GB of RAM.

In the release of Rocks Team: no tweaks, deletions / additions, only integrated updates and patches safety.


HD Tune Pro v4.00

HD Tune Pro is an extended version of HD Tune which includes many new features such as: write benchmark, secure erasing, AAM setting, folder usage view, disk monitor, command line parameters and file benchmark.

HD Tune Pro is a hard disk utility which has the following functions:

» Benchmark: measures the low-level performance (read/write)
» File Benchmark: measures the file performance (read/write)
» Info: shows detailed information
» Health: checks the health status by using SMART
» Error Scan: scans the surface for errors
» Erase: securely erases all data from the disk
» Disk Monitor: monitors disk access
» Folder View: shows disk space usage for each folder
» AAM: reduces noise or increases seek performance
» Temperature display

What's new?
* Health (S.M.A.R.T) and temperature display support for external drives
* Support for drives larger than 2 TB
* Supports up to 32 drives
* Advanced S.M.A.R.T log functions
* Added short stroke testing
* Extra tests: quick read/write tests
* Added cache test
* More information is shown
* Benchmark tests can be run seperately
* Added option to perform the transfer rate test on the entire surface
* New command line parameters




K-Lite Mega Codec v5.6.1 Portable

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files. With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular audio and video formats and even several less common formats.

The K-Lite Codec Pack has a couple of major advantages compared to other codec packs:
* It is updated frequently. So it is always up-to-date with the newest and/or best components.
* All components have been carefully selected for specific purposes. It is not just a random bunch of stuff thrown together.
* It is very user-friendly and easy to use.
* Works great with Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center. But also with all other DirectShow players, such as Media Player Classic, BS.Player, ZoomPlayer, and others.
* The installation is fully customizable, meaning that you are able to install just those components that you really want.
* The pack has many options, which allows you to tweak it to your own specific needs and preferences.
* Uninstallation removes everything that was installed by the pack. Including all registry keys. All changes are properly undone.
* It is extremely easy to make a fully customized unattended installation with the integrated wizard.
* It does not contain any codecs or filters that are known to be bad, buggy or unstable. In fact, the installer is able to detect and disable several known troublemakers.
* It tries to avoid potential conflicts with other codecs installed on your computer. The installer is able to detect and remove over 100 different codec and filter packs.
* The installer is able to detect broken codecs and filters on your system, and helps you to remove them.
* It is a very complete package, containing everything you need to play your movies.
* The pack has options to activate thumbnail generation in Windows Explorer for several popular video file formats, which are by default not thumbnailed in Explorer.
* The pack automatically configures Media Center to recognize all common audio and video file formats, so that such files show up in your media library.
* This pack has a huge user base. This means that problems are found and resolved quickly.
* There are different variants of the pack. From very small to large.
* The pack is suitable for both novice and expert users.

Version 5.6.1 Mega ~ January 5th 2010
* Updated Codec Tweak Tool to version 4.1.2

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