theme for ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10

sudah bosan dengan tampilan ubuntu kita.. ini ada sedikit koleksi theme yang menurut saya lumyan bagus.. mari ikutin langkahnya

Now i will show you the steps you have to follow to install the themes.

To add the repository ,open the source list :

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

add these 2 lines at the end of the sources.list:

For Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala :

deb karmic main

deb-src karmic main

For Ubuntu9.04 Jaunty jackalope :

deb jaunty main

deb-src jaunty main

after open the terminal and add the repository verification ke

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 881574DE && gpg -a --export 881574DE | sudo apt-key add -

Now update the cache

sudo apt-get update

Now, If you want to install the themes one by one ,then you will have to type the command correspondent to the theme you want to install (first follow the steps above to add the repositories) :
1-Showtime for Gnome :

sudo apt-get install showtime-theme

2- Balanzan

sudo apt-get install balanzan-theme


sudo apt-get install infinity-theme

3-Wild shine

sudo apt-get install wild-shine-theme


sudo apt-get install exotic-theme

5- Tropical

sudo apt-get install tropical-theme

6-Bamboo Zen

sudo apt-get install bamboo-zen-theme

7- Ubuntu sunrise

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sunrise-theme

8- Aqua Dreams

sudo apt-get install aquadreams-theme

To remove thethemes you have to use the command :

sudo apt-get remove theme-name

9- Orange

Orange is A New theme from Bisigi blog,This theme is lightweigh one with just 2 Mo, and it is based on a beautifull wallpaper the umar123.

sudo apt-get install orange-theme

10- Ellanna

Ellana , is the latest theme that bring us the famous Bisigi project. This theme is a little bit special. First of all, it’s the first theme drawn for women. And it’s the first theme, which is a special command too.

sudo apt-get install ellanna-theme

11- Airlines :

This is the first theme based on a walltime (wallpaper that change during the day).

It includes:

- 1 wallpaper
- 1 GTK theme
- 1 Metacity theme
- 1 icons pack

Install Airlines :

sudo aptitude install airlines-theme


Metasploit di UBUNTU jaunty 9.04

hmm.. dengan ambisi membuat ubuntu serasa make backtrack yang terkenal dengan tools2 garangnya .. jadi pengen pasang metsploit di ubuntu ane yah itung2 iseng biar terasa lebih gahar aja ubuntu nya..xixixix...

Kita akan membutuhkan beberapa Liblary untuk medukung berjalannya MSF di ubuntu yang akan kita Install.
budjank@budjank-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install subversion ruby libruby rdoc libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby
budjank@budjank-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby libdl-ruby libreadline-ruby
budjank@budjank-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install libiconv-ruby rubygems libgtk2-ruby libglade2-ruby

ok klo sudah sekarang baru pasang metasploitnya,,,
bisa dari


budjank@budjank-laptop:~$ wget

Unpack Program :

tar -xvzf framework-3.2.tar.gz

ok deh.. tunggu tuh smpe kelar..

klo dah kelar tinggal jalanin aja dah
budjank@budjank-laptop:~$cd framework-3.2
budjank@budjank-laptop:~$sudo ./msfgui
maka siap dijalankan versi guinya..
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